Background, Charactaristics and Qualities Offered:
Skip L. started ABCA on May 2, 2005 after working in residential services for private, non-profit and state operated agencies for 15+ years and decided to take a "leap of faith" and wanted to help individuals live in their own homes and living situations. Since 2005, ABCA has continued to expand with exceptional support planners and administrative staff to accommodate the growth demands over the years.
Certified as Support Planners (SP's) by the state of Minnesota and CDCS knowledgeable.
Participant in the State Quality Assurance Council.
Facilitative and training trainers experience in person centered thinking/planning (PCP). Direct training by Angela Novak Amado, Ph.D. & Marijo McBride, M.ED. (co-authors of “Increasing Person-Centered Thinking: Improving the Quality of Person-Centered Planning – A Manual for Person-Centered Planning Facilitators” and “Training Person-Centered Planning Facilitators: A Compendium of Ideas”) including various person centered methods. Also trained directly with Michael Smull (co-founder of Essential Lifestyle Planning – ELP) and am certified as a trainer of trainers, trainer of facilitators & a facilitator of ELP.
Diverse background with work experiences coordinating personal plans and improving the quality of lives for hundreds of individuals with abilities and developmental disabilities for over twenty years who have received services with private, non-profit and state residential and vocational providers. Experience working with and accessing advocacy agencies. Experience with assistive technology and communication devices (i.e. DynaVox, Ipads, etc.). Experience and background in computer training and software.
Lived in foster-homes situation with one individual and have lived in five other group homes with a variety of abilities and disabilities.
Developer and presenter of Person-Centered Planning (PCP) training curriculums and outlines (i.e. ACR Lifestyle Planning, PCP approaches to Rule 40 to reduce challenging behaviors, etc.).
Participation and involvement with several PCP & self-determination committees and have advocated for the participation and inclusion of people receiving services to be included on those committees.
Participation and involvement on the “Putting People First” conference committees from the start (including co-chair for two years) and assisted in the transition of self-advocates participating and running the conferences.